Last week, Shreyas Jayasimha attended and spoke at the event, “Net Zero Warriors: Entrepreneurs Driving Energy Transition”.
Powered by Transition Venture Capital and organised by IEEE, the conference aimed to inspire and empower budding engineers, young professionals, start-ups, and entrepreneurs to become Net Zero Warriors and tackle key innovation and technology challenges in the Energy Transition space worldwide.
Bringing together start-ups, corporates, experts, and academicians, the event facilitated discussions on crucial topics like Decarbonisation of the Electricity Sector, Electrification of Transportation, Net Zero in Buildings & Industry, New Energies, and the role of Generative AI in the Net Zero journey.
Shreyas’ expertise in the field of climate change made him an invaluable addition, inspiring attendees with his insights and knowledge.
The event provided a platform for participants to shape a better tomorrow; one that is environmentally responsible, technologically advanced, and economically viable.