Kamala started her career at her family-run law firm, Sundaraswamy, Ramdas & Anand, after which she co-founded JustLaw. She then went on to set up Aarna Law with her partner, Mr. Shreyas Jayasimha. As Managing Partner, she has started various initiatives to bring more women back into the workforce, including offering flexible work hours and integration of technology into the practice of law. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, these technologies allowed for a seamless transition to a work-from-home arrangement for all members of the Aarna team.
Kamala heads the Intellectual Property, Media, Technology, and Data Protection practice at the firm. She has worked on the management of Intellectual property, licensing, and branding exercises for both start-ups and large companies. Her passion for art has driven her to be active in the Art law space and build Aarna Law’s practice in the field.
Having a keen interest in Corporate law, she’s actively involved in advising companies in Mergers and Acquisitions, Contracts, Documentation, Foreign Exchange, and Investments. The team at Aarna Law routinely advises major corporations around the world and large Indian Multinationals across sectors on commercial matters.
In addition to advising companies on internal investigations and asset tracing and recovery, she has built a team of specialists within the firm who are highly experienced in Insolvency and Bankruptcy. The team at Aarna has over the years built a strong reputation advising on Insolvency and Bankruptcy disputes and advisory.
Private client advisory is a large part of her practice. She has advised HNIs and private individuals over the years on succession planning. The firm has worked with financial advisors and chartered accountants in setting up structures for investment and succession planning.
Kamala is a trained mediator and has represented clients as counsel in commercial mediations, and is available to sit as a neutral through Simha Law, Singapore. She has also worked on case management for large and complex arbitrations and disputes.
Kamala Naganand studied law at the University Law College, Bangalore and completed her Masters in Intellectual Property Law at The George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C. Her principal areas of practice are Corporate Advisory, Data Privacy, Intellectual Property, Insolvency and Bankruptcy, and Private Client practice.