As one of the fastest growing transportation sectors across the globe, aviation is a dynamic and constantly evolving industry. Currently, the airline industry carries over 4 billion passengers each year, nearly 61 million tonnes of freights, and creates 11.3 million direct jobs internationally. It directly contributes a staggering US $961.3 billion to the global GDP.

India, with over 460 airports and airstrips, transports more than 316 million people alone. The Indian aviation sector contributes US $72 billion to the GDP. Aviation, in many ways, is the transport industry of the future, with increasingly more of India’s—and the world’s—citizens being able to afford transport by air. This would not have been true even as little as a decade ago.

Our Founding Partner, Mr. Shreyas Jayasimha, has extensive knowledge and expertise in International Aviation Law and is formally trained in jet engineering and wind turbine design. His detailed understanding of these highly technical aspects makes him and our team well-equipped and united to advise as the best

aviation law firm

and represent Aeronautical Corporations in a wide variety of matters.
Aarna Law has developed an in-depth understanding of the complex technical and commercial nuances of avionics and aviation law. We have represented leading aviation and avionics companies in a range of disputes, including product liability, civil recovery and consumer disputes.

Our aviation lawyers have considerable experience both in the legal and the operational aspects of aviation law-

  • Negotiated settlement for disputes that arose between avionics companies  purchasing high-end aircraft technology
  • Represented Global Airlines in disputes with Customer over baggage claims
  • Advised on the Regulatory Regimes required to maintain and operate unmanned Drones
  • Dealt with disputes in relation to Defence Supplies contracts, including aviation
  • Involved in civil litigation regarding product liability in Aviation
  • Worked on dry and wet leases on aircraft